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DCPS  >  Batteries  >  Watering Forklift Batteries

Watering Forklift Batteries

Over & Under-watering Batteries Does Matter

Watering forklift batteries is a necessary part of using a lead acid battery, this is due to evaporation. Here are a few things to remember, and some examples of cause and effect to the forklift battery caused by improper handling. If you need assistance please contact us.

Best Practices
    Always add water after charge
    Use distilled or approved tap water
    Install a battery water monitor
    Use Preventative Maintenance for peace of mind

Damage to a forklift battery from overwatering.
Example of damage to a forklift battery from overwatering.

Example of overwatering damage.
Example of overwatering damage.

Example of what under-watering a forklift battery can cause.
Example of what under-watering a forklift battery will do.

Example of what improper forklift battery care can do to a battery.
Example of improper forklift battery care.